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Jumat, 28 Oktober 2011

Thanks and Thank You

Thanks and Thank You

Senin, 24 Oktober 2011



  1. 100 gram daging sapi, potong kotak, rebus
  2. 3 cm jahe, memarkan
  3. 3 batang serai, memarkan
  4. 4 cm lengkuas, memarkan
  5. 1500 cc air
  6. 2 sendok makan teh garam
  7. 1 sendok teh penyedap rasa, jika suka
  8. 2 sendok teh gula merah
  9. Minyak goreng secukupnya
Bumbu yang dihaluskan:
  1. 8 butir bawang merah
  2. 2 siung bawang putih
  3. 7 butir kemiri
  4. 3 cm kunyit
  1. 25 gram soun, rendam
  2. 150 gram taoge pendek, seduh
  3. 150 gram kedelai, goreng
  4. 1 batang daun bawang, iris halus
  5. Kerupuk mi secukupnya
  6. Bawang goreng secukupnya
Cara Membuat Resep Masakan Soto sokaraja:

  1. Rebus daging sapi hingga mendidih. Tumis bumbu halus hingga harum, masukkan serai, jahe, lengkuas. Masukkan tumisan ke rebusan daging. Rebus sampai daging empuk.
  2. Beri gula merah, garam, penyedap rasa. Masak hingga daging empuk
  3. Tata di mangkuk saji soun, taoge, kedelai, daun bawang daging. Siram kuah panas. Taburi bawang goreng dan kerupuk mi.
Untuk 5 porsi

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Complete the sentences with a word derived from the word in capital letter.
1.Every afternoon the cooks _________ their knives in preparation for dinner. (SHARP)
2. I asked the _________ if he could help me to find a book.LIBRARY
3. The organization is concerned about the _________ of the forest. DESTROY
4Economic pressures tend to _________ or even destroy the family. WEAK
5. They had an __________ about politics and now they hardly speak to each other. AGREE
6. They are warned not to make __________ . COMPARE
7. ________ to animals must be prevented. CRUEL
8. American fought hard to earn their __________ from Britains. FREE
9That sidewalk is _________ . I almost fell! .SLIP
10.I tink we should try to something else. That strategy seems very ________. RISK
11. My mother is death left me with a great ____________ in my heart. EMPTY
12. These are _______________ for the job in all local newspaper. (ADVERTISE)
13. If you want to sell your house, why don’t you  ______________ it on the internet? (ADVERTISE)
14. Solar energy is a _____________ industry. ( GROW)
15. The ____________ of solar energy  will increase in the next few years. (GROW)
16. If the solar energy _________, people may not have to depend so much on oil for energy. (GROW)
17. I love the hotel because it is very ____________. (COMFORT)
18. A lot of small cars are not built for ____________. (COMFORT)
19. There’s no ____________ for her to pass the final exam. (POSSIBLE)
20. _____________ my friend will come to visit me next Saturday. (POSSIBLE)


VOCABULARY QUIZ. (Word formations)
Complete the sentences with a word derived from the word in capital letter.
1.An artist must be ______________, otherwise he just repeats what he sees or hears. (CREAT)
2. Why are you so _______________ of this work? He’s just doing the best. (CRITIC)
3. Have you made up your mind? We need to know your ______________as soon as possible. (DECIDE)
4. Have they put the nice ________________ yet? (DECORATE)
5. They put too many unnecessary ________________ in food.(ADD)
6. Why don’t you call the _______________ if the lights don’t work?  (ELECTRIC)
7. Music and television are fors of ______________  (ENTERTAIN)
8. The concert didn’t live up our _________________. (EXPECT)
9. The electric company admitted their ______________ for the blackout. (RESPOND)
10.Obama is the most popular __________________ in the world. (POLITIC)
11. A lot of people say they aren’t interested in ____________. (POLITIC)
12. These are _______________ for the job in all local newspaper. (ADVERTISE)
13. If you want to sell your house, why don’t you  ______________ it on the internet? (ADVERTISE)
14. Solar energy is a _____________ industry. ( GROW)
15. The ____________ of solar energy  will increase in the next few years. (GROW)
16. If the solar energy _________, people may not have to depend so much on oil for energy. (GROW)
17. I love the hotel because it is very ____________. (COMFORT)
18. A lot of small cars are not built for ____________. (COMFORT)
19. There’s no ____________ for her to pass the final exam. (POSSIBLE)
20. _____________ my friend will come to visit me next Saturday. (POSSIBLE)

*I hope it will be useful for everybody learning vocabulary.
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